Steve Smith, general manager of Ohmega Salvage, explains the history behind San Francisco's longest continually operating architectural salvage company.
Recently, one of our fans over on Facebook asked about fixing a clawfoot tub foot that keeps slipping off. American Standard Clawfoot Tub with tapered wedge and set screw Tub feet are typically first put on with the tub upside down. That way you do not have to fight gravity to set them in and you have full access to the screws. If the tub is already in place and you need to replace the foot it is going to be VERY difficult to do properly. There are a lot of different designs and mounting systems for tub feet . The most common foot attachment method out there is a tapered wedge tongue with a set screw. To replace the tub foot in situ, you need to temporarily lift the tub up just a little higher than the foot when it is in place. (I've heard of using a car jack to do this, but be careful!) Place some type of wood blocks or similar to hold the tub up securely. Take the foot that has fallen out and loosen the set screw so that it does not drag across the bottom of the tub as you sl...
Some of our orphan clawfoot tub feet Unfortunately, finding a set of feet to fit a vintage claw-foot tub is going to be difficult. There are literally dozens of different designs for mounting feet to tubs. While we normally do have some loose feet, it is rare that we have a matching set of four. And even more rare that those would be the exact match to your footless tub. The easiest way for us to try to get you a set of feet is if you have at least one of the old feet that could be compared with what we have on hand. If you don't have any feet it will be very difficult. We can usually tell from the mounts on the bottom of the tub what type of foot you might need, however hauling the tub around is impractical. The best solution is to send us (or another salvage yard) a picture of either an existing foot or the bottom of the tub. Also cut out a cardboard template of the bracket. This will make your search much easier and you will not have to tote your tub around in your quest. ...
This week we got in two of these beautiful vintage Toledo Scales. If you didn't want to use these for their intended purpose (deli counter, butcher shop), they would make really cool accent pieces or shelves! Toledo Scale - Honest Weight!
This is really very interesting video. I enjoyed during watching video.